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Understanding why your dog isn't drinking enough water

Understanding the Importance of Hydration

Ensuring your dog stays hydrated is crucial for their overall health. Proper dog hydration supports vital bodily functions such as temperature regulation, nutrient transport, and dog kidney health. It also aids dog digestion, keeps the dog skin and coat healthy, prevents fatigue, and supports dog brain function. Hydration is particularly important for dog heatstroke prevention and ensuring your dog enjoys a long, healthy life.

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

  1. Lethargy: Reduced dog energy levels can indicate dehydration.

  2. Dry Gums and Nose: Check for dryness, which is a common sign.

  3. Thick Saliva: A sign that your dog needs more water.

  4. Loss of Skin Elasticity: Pinch the skin and see if it returns quickly to normal.

  5. Panting and Sunken Eyes: Both are indicators of dehydration.

  6. Reduced Urination: Dark urine or less frequent urination can signal dehydration.

Common Reasons for Reduced Water Intake

  1. Change in Environment: New surroundings can disrupt drinking habits.

  2. Medical Issues: Dental problems, gastrointestinal illnesses, or kidney disease can affect water intake.

  3. Aging: Older dogs may drink less due to changes in metabolism.

  4. Medications: Certain drugs can reduce your dog's thirst.

  5. Stress and Anxiety: Emotional distress can cause your dog to avoid drinking water.

  6. Unfamiliar Water Bowl: Changes in the bowl or its placement can discourage drinking.

Tips to Encourage Your Dog to Drink More Water

  1. Provide Fresh Water: Always have fresh water available.

  2. Add Flavor: Mix in low-sodium chicken broth or tuna juice.

  3. Use Multiple Bowls: Place dog water bowls in different locations.

  4. Introduce Wet Food: Increase dog water intake through food.

  5. Offer Ice Cubes: Some dogs enjoy chewing on ice.

  6. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity encourages drinking.

Additional Tips to Encourage Hydration

  1. Change Water Regularly: Fresh water is more appealing.

  2. Use a Pet Fountain: Flowing water can attract dogs.

  3. Reward Hydration: Praise and treats can reinforce drinking.

Special Considerations by Breed and Size

  1. Small Breeds: They dehydrate quickly due to their size.

  2. Large Breeds: They need more water due to their size and activity level.

  3. Long-haired Dogs: They may overheat faster and require more water.

  4. Working Dogs: High-energy dogs need more water to stay hydrated.

Specific Needs for Different Breeds

  1. Brachycephalic Breeds: Breeds like Bulldogs need extra care in heat.

  2. Sporting Breeds: Dogs like Retrievers need frequent water breaks during activity.

Seasonal Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

  1. Increase Water Intake in Summer: Offer more water during hot weather.

  2. Avoid Midday Heat: Exercise dogs during cooler parts of the day.

  3. Provide Shade and Cool Areas: Ensure your dog has a place to cool off.

  4. Monitor for Heatstroke: Know the signs and act quickly.

Winter Hydration Tips

  1. Prevent Water Freezing: Ensure water bowls don’t freeze.

  2. Hydrate with Warm Broth: Offer warm, low-sodium broth to encourage drinking.

  3. Indoor Play: Engage in activities that make your dog thirsty.

At Paws n' Klaws Pet Services, our mission is to provide the highest level of care for your beloved pets. Our comprehensive services include dog walking, doggy daycare, drop-in home visits, and more, ensuring that every pet remains healthy and happy. We understand the importance of hydration in dogs and make it a priority to keep them well-hydrated and comfortable. Caring for your pets is in our DNA, and we are dedicated to doing everything possible to maintain their well-being at our centre.

Water Requirements: How Much Water Does Your Dog Need?

Dogs generally need about 60 millilitres of water per kilogram of body weight per day. Here's a table summarising the daily water needs based on your dog's weight:

Body Weight (kg)

Water Intake (ml/day)















The amount of water a dog needs depends on its weight, diet (dry or wet food), and other factors such as external temperature. Understanding the importance of hydration in dogs is crucial. Generally, larger dogs need more water than smaller dogs. If your dog eats dry kibble, they will need to drink more water from their bowl. During hot summer months, increased panting can lead to faster dehydration, making it essential for dogs to drink more water compared to cooler seasons.

When to Consult a Vet

If your dog consistently avoids drinking water or shows signs of severe dehydration, consult your veterinarian immediately. Persistent symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy require professional attention.

Preparing for a Vet Visit

  1. Track Symptoms: Note any changes in behaviour or diet.

  2. List Medications: Provide a list of any medications your dog is taking.

  3. Bring a Sample: A urine sample can help diagnose issues

Ensuring your dog remains hydrated is key to their health and happiness. By understanding the reasons behind reduced water intake and taking proactive steps, you can help your dog stay healthy and hydrated.

For more tips and pet care services, visit Paws 'n' Klaws Pet Services.

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